“There just aren’t many jobs out there.” Really?
Director of Sales – that’s just the job Angela wants. She spends hours every day searching for a Director of Sales position on the web. She posts résumés on job boards, participates in LinkedIn Discussion Groups, finds a few opportunities on Facebook business pages and is getting a few alerts in her inbox.
But she’s been doing this for 8 months and Angela has decided – or rather settled on the excuse – that there just aren’t many jobs out there.
Oh, really?
Angela needs to stop, rethink, and re-boot. She needs a disciplined multi-platform plan. A new regimen will help her turn her a job search process into “job number one,” avoid wasted time, be more effective, and get on the fast track to winning a job.
Are you in Angela’s shoes? Here’s how you can make sure you never miss an opportunity again.
- First, map out your overall job search process and commit to a certain set of activities that you will repeat every day and every week until you land your new job. Be aggressive but realistic based on your other commitments (family, current job, etc.). And don’t steal time from other important things such as exercise, time with family and friends, or sleep.
Here is where you can get my Cut the Crap (CTC) Job Search Schedule template for your new plan.
Activity Type | Description | Daily | Weekly |
Preparing to Job Search | This includes organizing your technology, job search tools, communications, documents, and much more. | Initially, 8 hours, then 1 hour per week | 1 hour per week |
Researching | Internet or library research: companies for My Job Search Tracker, people, industry news, preparation for an interview, etc. | 2 hours M-F | 16 hours per week |
Networking | External meetings: large group, industry events, etc. | 3 hours for 1 event per week | |
Build – then refine your personal and professional network list. | 1 hour per week | ||
Refine and update your social networking sites. | 1 hour | 1 hour per week | |
Networking contacts via phone and email. | 1 hour daily M-F | 1 hour per week | |
Applying or Cold Calling | Send out “Candidate Packets” or introduction letters if a cold call. | 1 hour daily M-F | 5 hours per week |
Following Up | Follow-up on external networking meetings, send thank you letters to all contacts, contact hiring managers, etc. | 1 hour T, Th, or as-needed | 2 hours per week |
Rehearsing | Build – then refine – interview questions, scripts for phone calls, email drafts, etc. | 1 hour | 1 hour per week |
2. Use your Outlook Calendar, other calendar technology, or a paper calendar to schedule your activities into specific times of the day. Tips:
- Activity description: Don’t just say “job search.” Pick a particular activity out of the description column above or make up your own list.
- Identify where you will do this work: library, home, office, friend’s house. Find a quiet place with internet access so you can concentrate on the information and capture what you learn.
- What: Put follow-up activities highest in priority on your calendar and first thing in the morning. If you have business cards from an event, follow up on them the next morning. If you made some calls yesterday, follow up on them today. Why? These are warmer than spending time cold calling companies or people you don’t know or haven’t met.
- Time management: If you say you will be researching for one full hour, clock yourself that you stick to that commitment. It doesn’t include travel time to the library, having that latté in the middle, or talking to the person at the table next to you. It’s an hour of work; hard, focused work.
Start today and re-boot your end-to-end job search process. Map out a plan that has numerous different elements. Get out of your comfort zone and try new things. You may surprise yourself!
Got a specific challenge? Let me give you a hand; I’m ready to help!